Place a rack in top third of oven; preheat to 375°. Now prep your peaches. These should be some of the sweetest, most fragrant peaches you can find. Better peaches make for a better peach crumble. (If you've got peaches that aren't ready, place them in a brown paper bag with a banana, then check back every day. The banana will speed up the ripening process.) Slice 2½ lb. peaches (6–7) in half with a chef’s knife. Using a paring knife, cut around pits; pry them out if necessary ("clingstone" peaches have pits that cling to the flesh, whereas "freestone" peaches' pits can be easily pried out). Cut each peach half in half (so you have peach quarters), then cut each quarter into half twice more (you want 4 thin slices from each quarter, or 16 thin slices from each peach). As you go, transfer peach slices to a 13x9" baking dish.
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