You should add the water into the ingredients for those folks who don't read the entire recipe. (it is in the prep section) Interestingly I have been making a milk based bread for over 30 years. Yes it has milk, but I was trying to mimic white bread from a store but miles better. I made them pullman size and shape. I'll try the milk bread minus the milk to see how it goes.
New Englander now in Charleston 04/29/19
Have made this recipe, just dug through my stack of BA mags to find the recipe and make it again. Turns out great if you follow the directions, no milk needed, perfect sandwich bread. Stop complaining, stop or ruing about fancy pans, turn it into rolls if you want, it’s great!
I have not made this bread but I will try it. I see it uses water instead of milk. Maybe they call it milk bread because it is just as white as milk on the inside, sort of like the Dish Shrimp with Lobster sauce, ( there is no lobster in this sauce) it just is that way. The baking temp I see is 400 degrees. I don't have a pan that has a lid so will just use a bread pan and put a buttered cookie sheet on top. Make due with what I have. curious on how it will turn out.
This was a great recipe worked increadibly well i got a bueatuful light bread that bounced back. I heavly recomend this if you want to make any bread fast and easy.
Miami 04/10/19
What kind of bread recipe has no liquid at all? Every milk bread recipe I have ever made has used either milk or cream. That’s what provides the softness. I’m assuming that boozehound’s response was trying to be sarcastic and didn’t quite achieve that. Perhaps he should work on his writing skills as well as baking.
Wisconsin 03/31/19
to the person who asked...middle rack, 400 deg
austin tx03/31/19
You people are f-ing stupid. It’s milk bread because milk is white and they didn’t want to call it white bread because of the privilege that is associated with white bread. Milk Power!
I cannot find the baking temperature after reading the directions many times through. Did I still miss it somewhere?
It doesn’t matter if the recipe is good or if anyone tried it, if it’s not what it claims to be, then it deserves 1 star. If a French onion soup has no onion, then it’s not an onion soup. If a chocolate chip cookie recipe has no chocolate, then it’s not a chocolate chip. If I wanted a carrot cake, I expect carrot to be one of the ingredients. This recipe has no milk, therefore it’s not milk bread. It’s just bread.
First, it appears no one in these comments even tried the recipe. How can you rate something you haven't tried? I agree the title is misleading, but this is some pretty good sandwich bread. The bread came out to be a perfectly fine white loaf. The crust was nice and crisp/crusty, the crumb was tight and sweet. As for the WWMSD comment? Martha Stewart didn't test her recipes. If you try to make SO MANY of them, they will fail- especially her pastry/bakes. Ask a professional. All she cared about was how recipes looked...not how they tasted or came together.
Ha, was here to ask the same thing as others. I would really appreciate an explanation as to why there's no milk in the milk bread, otherwise I can't help but feel there's a mistake.
WWMSD (what would Martha Stewart do?) no milk? In a milk bread recipe!?! Almost burned out my mixer! I know better, but thought it was a "new, different" recipe. Was I wrong! Looked up some other milk bread recipes and managed to salvage this & my stand mixer. Feeling upset for inexperienced bread bakers. This recipe is an utter fail as is. Editing fail, test kitchen fail?. Please fix it, you can do better.
Hello! Going to try this today and give a review. Where's the milk? And why don't you mention the absence of that in the article??
SE PA02/24/19
Milk bread with no milk in the ingredients? What is this?
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